There are a few things that I want to try once we are settled into our new space. With the advantageous of a washer, dryer and dishwasher... 2 extra bedrooms and an enclosed porch (glorified closet) there are ample things I can't wait to try.
- Hang drying. That enclosed porch does have windows and I can't wait to
hang some of our dedicates. Even our heavier items (towels & jeans) can get a quick run in the dryer till they are only damp and hung to complete the drying process. It will both decrease our electric and gas bills, but also save our clothes in the long run. I grew up using this $20 piece from Ikea (click for site) and it worked great and stored flat. This may be the ticket to utilizing that space. And I'm sure it will bring memories to my Mom and Sister when they come visit. Oh the joys of apartment living (with no dryer) /sarcasm.
- I intend to install a type of sprayer bidet. We also want to TRY no paper TP... at least for #1. I know it sounds gross, but really, it's your own. We all need to get over our aversion to certain things. I went through a stage where I wouldn't pull my OWN hair out of the drain without a tissue. Well, that's just silly. I'm so over it! With a washer and dryer in house... we won't have to worry about bringing nasty dirty cloth wipes to a laundromat (and getting kicked out!). Do a quick google search of "Family Cloth" and you'll find a multitude of families who are doing the same!
- I will be making my own laundry detergent and testing that out. Detergent is filled with chemicals and not to mention - expensive! Why not make your own. I found tons of easy recipes that all follow approximately the same guild lines. The one I plan to try uses 1 bar of soap, 1 cup of borax, & 1 cup of washing soda. All readily available in most large supermarkets. You basically either food process it together or grate the soap on a box grater, stir and keep in a air tight container. Then just use 2 TBS for each large load of laundry. It will cost pennies! Why not! I plan on keeping a small jar of baking soda near by and will add a spoon full or two if I'm washing heavily soiled whites. And if I'm washing sweaty gym or snowboard clothes I may add a 1/2 - 1 cup of vinegar in the rinse cycle. I mean - how can you argue with that... especially if you can display it like this ;). From the vintage wren. How cute would that look. Just don't forget to label it. You don't want to end up putting it in your bread recipe (at least I'll need to as the washer and dryer are IN the kitchen).
- In addition to Laundry soap, I'd like to at least try my hand at dishwashing detergent. There are tons of recipes online. I'm still unsure which I'll try, but most likely the simplest.
- I'd like to try my hand at sunflower shaving cream for Paul (and maybe me). It's similar to the old school shaving creams (in a pot with a little brush). I mean hey, how cute! It's main ingredients... or should I say only ingredients are glycerin soap & sunflower oil. I mean I have TONS of glycerin soap base left from the wedding, why not put it to good use! I found the recipe here if you want to try it out. I'm sure I can find an adorable shaving mug and brush in a thrift store or online. The best part is it will always have me thinking of my Grandpa. He had one of these babies in his bathroom and I always thought it was so cool.
But I promised myself, my new home will look beautiful, be function and be clutter free! So no hobbies that are temporary or will take up lots of space (unless it's crochet, in which case.. I'm already hooked!) <-- haha I'm such a loser!
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