Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How would you feel if your last name was Zanidiot??

Say it out loud... it's the only way to truly appreciate the horribleness... Tony Zanidiot

There is a guy who works here... his name is Tony and he IS in fact an idiot.

He is the sort you'd think only exists in movies... he is THAT guy! The one who makes everyone laugh at his OWN expense. His self esteem is either very very high or irreparable. Once you meet him, you will know the answer to this. In fact we've all taken to laughing at his expense. I don't know what this is doing for his emotional stability but no one seems to really care.

He's that dude the trolls the hallways checking out ass. He's the dude that makes stupid comments in that monotone way only the seriously defected at birth can do.

He's the guy that will GRAB YOUR ASS... or maybe he's the guy that everyone will say grabbed your ass. But don't let them do it on work email... then he gets really mad.

He just walked it... damn it! He wanted cookies... code word for nookie... code word for ....

1 comment:

Akash said...

"He's the guy that will GRAB YOUR ASS... or maybe he's the guy that everyone will say grabbed your ass. But don't let them do it on work email... then he gets really mad."

I think the comment was "let us try and keep this appropriate for work e-mail."

Yep. Events that may or may not have occurred are THAT serious...