Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dinner for 2

Yesterday Paul worked from home. I'd asked him what he'd want for dinner. I was kind of hoping he'd offer to cook, but he admits he's intimidated to cook for me. He said I'm too critical and that my meals are fancier than his. Regardless, when he said he was craving fish and would happily go to the fish monger, I wasn't going to complain.

He found a fried breaded snapper fish recipe, but I immediately shut that down. We've been trying to eat healthier and I didn't want to fry the fish. Additionally, snapper is just too yummy to waste in a thick layer of oil and breading. He agreed. I came across a baked snapper recipe that called for leeks and peppers, some dried tarragon and white wine. That sounded more our speed. Of course I didn't measure and put my own spin on it. But I more or less followed the recipe's suggestions. On the side I made some hashed brown potatoes (we have a huge bag I'm trying to use up) and though this was cooked in some oil, I used it very sparingly. This meal paired with a green herb salad hit the spot. It's definitely a keeper. I may try it with a different assortment of veggies next time or even saute or roast the veggies ahead of time... they were definitely on the raw side.

Paul bought a great white one, La Crema, one of our favs and generally we do not do white wine. We sat together catching up on some of last seasons True Blood episodes over dinner and wine. We soon realized the bottle was empty and opened a bottle of red which we pretty much polished off. After the 2nd episode of True Blood, Paul washed dishes and showered while I watched Jon and Kate Plus 8.

I admit, I do not WANT to watch the show. As a matter of fact, I think they should call off the show. It's clear its ruining their family, but I can't help it. I wanted to know what was going to happen - the inevitable - a separation.

After that, I pretty much packed it in and got my wine heavy head into bed.

It was a more than perfect night but I MUST lay off the alcohol... I need to fit into that dress for Lauren's wedding. Not to mention... be that 10 Paul once knew and loved [read: was hot for].

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