The 1st picture with the ring... to send to Andy to tell him the news!
So some background:
Saturday Morning:
Saturday we woke up bright and early around
We continued our meaningless banter about who knows what where he’d throw in random I love you’s every now and then. This is not uncommon … he does this when in a particularly mushy mood so again, no flags.
He then said, “If I were to ask you to marry me, would you say yes?” I of course said, “Yes.” And again… talk talk talk… until I feel him sleeping a ring on my finger which so happens to be behind my head. What did I do? I said “Are you for real???” And he smiled and said, “Will you marry me?” To which I said, “YES!” but apparently I’m the only one who heard it.
This was followed by hugs tears and kisses… oh and laughter. Apparently I can do both at once.
After the excitement started to wear off, I tried calling my family… all of which did not pick up the phone so I made breakfast… Banana-Berry Pancakes… one of our favorites!
Saturday Afternoon:
So we took showers, packed some fancy cloths and were off to see my Grandma. We got to her house and were informed by a neighbor that she went to the Catskills with my Uncle. Not wanting to tell her the news over the phone, we waited… we’ll go there tonight and let her know.
We then went to
Off to go back home because
After finally getting all the information necessary and while I was going home to get the tickets, Paul went to the bank to get Jaxon a savings bond for his birthday, but the bank was closed … bah!
So off to
Once we got there, I didn’t say anything. No one really noticed but after a while it was out and everyone knew (with the help of
We left the party a bit late, unable to tear ourselves away from his nieces and nephews, but it wouldn’t have mattered.
Saturday Night:
Traffic, Traffic, Traffic! It took us nearly 2 ½ hours to get into NYC… needless to say, we missed our dinner reservations and though they held our table, we’d never make it to WICKED in time. Yes, that was the surprise show, and I’m so grateful. Especially since he paid a premium for the sold out show. By the way, the show was GREAT!!!! I highly recommended it!
So as you can imagine my stomach was VERY angry. I hardly ate anything all day anticipating the feast awaiting me at
So we got in the car and went to French Roast… a spot we love on 85th and Broadway… one of “our spots” from our UWS days. And being that it was 24 hours – we knew it was a sure thing. Needless to say we stuffed our faces leaving NOTHING on the plate. I think I even ate the garnish and I was once again happy with the world… except of course for the 2 WASPY women sitting to our right. They had the most depressing conversations (suicide/death/illnesses) and loudly! The weirdest part is they were appalled that I was paying for dinner; they even hovered over my hand to try and see the bill. What psychotic people! Ugh.
So homebound finally at
Sunday Morning:
Yep that was my alarm going off at
Fast Forward
Today, Monday
My ring is being sent back to get resized. It so happens to fit on my thumb. For the record I am a size 7
woooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo :)
Big congrats!!!
BTW, what's UWS?
Also, you have to give us the specs on the rock! I am sure Paul did great and wants everyone to know ;).
UWS = Upper West Side
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