Knowing my mom needed help transporting kids from birthday parties to soccer games, I dutifully set my alarm and headed up to Putnam before breakfast. It was a nice drive... warm, windows open, music blasting, no traffic Saturday type of drive.
Once there, my mom made me some eggs over easy... just the was I like it with some homemade parmesan toast. Thank You and YUM!
After getting Amanda's hair in a pony and filling up some eco-friendly water bottles (and snacks of course) we were on our way to her practice. At the same time my mom was taking Kyle to his friends birthday party, which they'd later leave early for his soccer game. Low and behold, her soccer coach couldn't make it and after a few inquiries about my soccer related knowledge, I was asked to coach. I did reluctantly and had a blast. It was so much fun coaching again. She plays on a co-ed recreational team. Most of the children have played before but still tend to wander out of position... bumble bees. They took to me quite well and were undoubtedly enjoying the game. I only wish they could have scored. The blue team, obviously a bit more put together with 3-4 older kids and an actual coach managed to score 3 times, all by the same boy. But our defense was amazing, these kids were aggressive, talented and had passion to spare. They will be wonder footballers in H.S. and I can't wait to cheer for them in the bleachers.
Kyle too had a game following Amanda's. He missed practiced but managed to arrive in time for the game. He played 1/2 the game as is usual standard... 4 on 4. He did great playing a little too aggressive but having a blast. I can tell he is a little daunted by being the smallest on his team, but he has fun and thats all that matters.
While at the soccer field we got the phone call about their uncle's passing. We made a conscious decision to hold off telling them till all their planned activities were over. Amanda had her 1st sleepover birthday party that night and had been looking forward to it.
That being said, we had the house quiet and only Kyle to entertain. We packed into the car, had a chinese food dinner in Poughkeepsie and ventured off into the wonderful world that is Walmart. I purchased a few things for the house, a few things for the camping trip, and the necessary supplies for next weeks Heart Start! Walk.
By the time we got home we were so tired, we watched a children's movie ... and went to bed.
Sunday morning we woke up bright and early and had a fun breakfast of turkey salad more parmesan toast and coffee. My mom knows how to please my belly. Kyle and I immediately got our shoes on and ran outside to check our camping equipment ... we set up our 7 person tent, unrolled all the sleeping bags, separating what needed washing and went through closets filled with supplies. We pretended to take a nap in the tent, letting the breeze come through the windows. It was a lot of fun bonding with my little helper. He even counted the tent poles... getting smarter by the day.
We then had to quickly get ready to head out to Alyssa's Communion party. It was a fun day hanging in the backyard, eating some nice food and watching the kids play... and at times climbing into toy castles, riding bikes, and pouring drinks. It's such a fun age to watch them play... Amanda riding her bike and being a big kid and Kyle climbing up any contraption he can find like a little monkey.
I had to leave towards the end of the party to begin putting away all the now aired out camping equipment which took a while in the beating sun. The kids chose to stay at the party a bit longer while my mom grocery shopped. I took the moment alone to call my sister Lauren for some idle chit chat seeing how she was feeling physically and emotionally after the bad news about my father and of course her still recovering body... Lyme disease. It was good to catch up and talk. We talked about the camping trip and how much fun it will be. I tried to encourage her to do the walk with us, but obviously its pending her health condition.
After finally getting through all the camping equipment, I had to get started on ironing all the white shirts we purchased for the walk. They couldn't have wrinkles or the iron on screening wouldn't adhere. After a group discussion and search on the internet we came up with the following picture to be placed above the heart:

Yes that does say Joseph G Barroso in the heart... my beloved Papa. Always in OUR hearts!
On the back of each shirt our team name "Papa's Posse" is written. I miss him very much.
So these little and big white shirts have all been screened by our own hand, saving money and allowing us to have something to remember the days events. A little token of this fun charitable event we will be doing as a family. We were going to order the shirts but instead made them ourselves making it a fun sibling activity. We were also able to save $20+ being that we paid about $4.50 a shirt by doing it ourselves.
We had extra screening sheets so I was also able to turn an old white t-shirt of Kyle's into a Hulk shirt... one which he chose the exact Hulk he wanted displayed. And Amanda was able to embellish a pair of sweatpants with a pink skull and a pair of Nike shorts with the heart shown above to wear during the walk. These are truly beautiful kids and I'm so proud of them.
So these little and big white shirts have all been screened by our own hand, saving money and allowing us to have something to remember the days events. A little token of this fun charitable event we will be doing as a family. We were going to order the shirts but instead made them ourselves making it a fun sibling activity. We were also able to save $20+ being that we paid about $4.50 a shirt by doing it ourselves.
We had extra screening sheets so I was also able to turn an old white t-shirt of Kyle's into a Hulk shirt... one which he chose the exact Hulk he wanted displayed. And Amanda was able to embellish a pair of sweatpants with a pink skull and a pair of Nike shorts with the heart shown above to wear during the walk. These are truly beautiful kids and I'm so proud of them.
After that, we cleaned up, I folded laundry and was on my way back to Queens but not before a sad good bye to Amanda and Kyle and a big hug from my mom saying thank you and drive safe just short of 100 times.
I'm very blessed because despite the horrors that had happened this weekend... I was loved and was able to love... limitlessly.
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