With very little sleep and still annoyed about the night before, I showed up to a busy work day with the wrong mind set. My package didn't come, I wasn't riding my new bindings this weekend and then I got home and realized my cell was still at work. Paul apparently doesn't know how to wax a board and cooked the crap out of mine. We had a late start. We had to drive to NYC to pick up my phone before heading up to Boston. Once we were in Boston, Andy's flight was delayed which put us at Stowe past 3AM.
So to make a long story short ... Friday sucked!
But Saturday was oh so much better. We were up early and on time, dressed, and ready to go. Jenn had grabbed for me a Rome Blue with Rome 390 bindings. It was kick ass of her to put her credit card down and go the extra mile to get me hooked up with a demo. Mama Jenn is always lookin' out. We caught up with everyone in the hotel parking lot where I introduced myself to everyone I hadn't yet met. At these moments where we are standing around waiting for people, Paul and Andy get pretty antsy. But it's more than just the riding. We are all there to be together. So with that said... we wait... and they deal. We were waiting for Mike ... the owner of Sierra. He isn't someone you leave behind.
Once we got to the hill, we met up with another Mike (from Rome). I will call him Mike (Rome). We all strapped in, headed to the quad and did a few mach speed blue laps together. I must admit, I've never ridden that fast before. We were riding on sheets of ice sprinkled with granular at speeds most people would be too afraid to ride on good snow. There were like 25 of us, all one by one flying past other riders and skiers. We were fast, we were confident, we had fun. The Blue held up on the conditions so well. I loved the bindings. I loved the set up. I realize now I must get another cambered board. Maybe not now... but eventually. The rockers are fun... but camber is where the speed + stability make sense. I wish I had more close family/friends who were about my size. I need to get rid of that Burton Troop.
We breaked for lunch before doing more of the same. Just fun riding all around. I got some pointers from Dana which was all stuff I'd heard before but being with someone in person who can explain things in a way you can easily understand and apply to your riding made a big difference. My legs were burning from the effort.
We ended the day by heading to the Darkside shop. Andy's boots broke and he needed new ones. Paul dropped his board and needed it repaired. I got a free I <3 now =")." style="text-align: center;">

After dinner we piled into the Blazer where the smells were adjusted and headed to the bar where a very generous Mike who just purchased dinner for everyone... bought us a round! We drank another beer... and somehow I convinced Doug and Cheezy to have a dance off. It was a sad display but hilarious. The night was young but we were tired... back at the hotel for bed by 12:30.
On Sunday we left after checking out to pick up breakfast and midol ... and get to the hill. Andy and I were both on our RCs testing it out. To be honest, I was upset at 1st. I wasn't feeling it on the ice. I kept slipping out... it wasn't as aggressive as I thought it was... but then I had a Mama Jenn pep talk. She really had me thinking the right way about myself and about the board. The board is meant to be playful. Meant to have fun on. It can haul ass but that's not what it's made to do and I don't need to do what I'm not comfortable with. After that I was cruising like a champ.
We breaked for a snack and then mostly everyone called it a day. Paul, Andy and I headed up and started practicing ollies and presses... and I got it! Paul built a mound of snow for Andy to jump and he cleared it... then it was my turn. Paul thought I was gonna go around it so he turned away... but nope.... I went for it... and did it! Perfectly! Andy's face was priceless... we both were hooting and hollering smiling like crazy... arms in the air ready for our high 5/hug! It was a great moment... I was so proud... of all of us! We've gotten so much better! I didn't want the day to end... but it did.
I called it a day a few runs later and waiting for the boys. In the mean time I said my good byes to the sierra people and chatted a bit with Mike (Rome). He was so great to talk to and he went above and beyond to ensure we all had a great time. I couldnt have asked for a better trip! Well snow would have been nice but you make due.
From there we got some grub and headed to Boston where Andy and I stayed up watching a really good movie. I forget the name but it was hilarious and filled with extreems.
Monday was gloomy and rainy. We met up with Paul's dad, hung out and had breakfast after Paul's class and after some shopping, I was headed back down to NY. What a long wet drive... but I made it home and the weekend was a total success!
Special Thanks to:
Sierra Snowboard
Rome Snowboard
Stowe Mountain
Stoweflake Mountain Resort and Spa
Matterhorn Bar
The Shed Brewery
The Darkside
And of course to Mike (Sierra), Mike (Rome), Mama Jenn, Phil, Doug, Dana, Erik, Paul, Andy, the Sierra Community and the Rome staff... without each and every one of you... it wouldn't have been the same
1 comment:
Glad you had a great time! That was a fun read, and as always, I love the pics!! =)
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