Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Busy busy busy

This as been a busy last couple of days between work piling up, new projects, home obligations, family obligations, and commitments. I have not had 1 day to myself in ages. My schedule has become jam packed. My only days alone are Friday nights and the occasional Wednesday or Thursday (depending on the softball schedule).

But that's good.... sitting home alone all the time is depressing. Giving myself too much time to think can get me into trouble.

I took this Friday off to spend time with Paul. He's arrives tonight and leaves Saturday for Chicago. He has an internship there. Some QT is necessary before he goes.

Then next Friday I have off again to take my brother to school... lets see if that becomes more relaxing or less relaxing. I'm foreseeing a biking trip on the new bike path though. Oh yeah and it's my birthday :). I'll treat the kids out to eat for it HAHA

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