Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Book Review - Heaven Is For Real

Hi folks, I write occasionally about a book I've just read. Sometimes I write because it's terrible and sometimes because it was good. This time it's because it was good and touched me.

I just read Heaven Is For Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back written by Todd Burpo & Lynn Vincent.

I'm a Christian... more specifically, I was raised Catholic and now... I find myself believing in Christ and doubting the church. I'm confused and I'm empty because I feel as if I'm missing something spiritually in my life. I believe that is fellowship. However, Catholics really don't have much by way of fellowship. But regardless, that is neither here nor there.

This book helped to reaffirm for me that God is good. That Jesus is my savior and loves me. That the Holy Spirit is with me always. And that truly, childlike innocence is the most beautiful gift in this world.

I'm glad I read it. It put a smile on my heart and I look forward to my life and my future... trying to figure out God's plan for me... working my way until one day, he holds me in his protective arms and tells me all is well.

Also, God, thanks for taking care of Papa. I know he's up there with you and you are filling him up with love.

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