We left around 11:30 on Wednesday and headed north to Montreal. It's a strait shot on I-87 from NYC... so that's what we did. We hit minimal traffic along the way. We had waiting out morning rush hour and much of the NE was still getting back on it's feet. You can see fallen trees along the way, but the roads for the most part had already been cleared.
It was an uneventful drive up north until we reached Montreal. Wow their traffic far surpasses that of NYC, Boston, and dare I say LA! It was horrible. Once at the hotel, the gentlemen who insisted on calling me Madam ____ [insert last name] informed me their parking lot was full. My grandma who was in a wheel chair for walking long distances was on my mind. After I let him know my worry, he made a quick call to the garage who had told him 1 spot did open up. Thank you for small blessings.
We unloaded and headed out to walk around the city looking for dinner. All I can say is this: Montreal is EXPENSIVE! Like WOAH!
The next morning we headed to St. Joseph's Basilica which is beautiful. Then off to China Town. We ended the day with a fun dip in the pool and a dinner of pastries from both China Town and the French Bakery.
The next day we traveled to the Cathedral of Notre Dame (in Montreal) and it too was beautiful. We then went to Old Montreal for lunch and headed back to the hotel for more pool time and some shopping.
We didn't see too much while we were there. Traveling wasn't easy with my grandma and we were slow to say the least. But I'm happy we went and I'm happy we had a good time. It was a successful vacation.
Kyle thought he got MY. Ha! My Mom got him back!
The Ultimate Piggy Back Ride... too bad we are missing Lauren.
There was only 1 thing that upset me about Montreal. We went to these churches for 2 reasons. 1 for their religious value and 2 for their beautiful history and story. I understand that they are expensive to upkeep but to enter these churches, there was a mandatory entrance fee. I can understand a recommended donation, but telling someone they cannot enter to pray because they don't have the means to pay you is disgraceful to me. Other than that, you can't deny the beauty of this city or it's churches.
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