Friday, April 23, 2010


A post earth day confession. I'm a poser! I'm not as green as I say or need to be. Paul's been calling me out on it and he's right. I fell off the wagon and am running behind trying to get back on, but I can't seem to keep up. So here is my confession.

I boast, I yell, I lecture... but here's the truth... I don't always get it right. You know that toilet paper roll ... made out of paper... I've been known to throw it in the trash. Thankfully Paul sees it and pulls it out to put it in recycling. Since Paul's left... I've been eating out or ordering in more... not very healthy and not very eco-friendly. I've been buying more than I need. I've been using non eco-friendly cleaning products when it's easier (laundry detergent, dish soap, bathroom cleaner). But to my defense, we had it under the sink and it didnt seem to make sense to replace it with something else until what we have is done.

But ... I'm jumping back on the wagon. No more lazy excuses... it's time to get outside, breath fresh air, plant a tree, eat local, eat at home, go for walks, cook my meals, and jump back onto ensure my recycling is 100%... oh and to stop buying things I don't need or even REALLY want!

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