Thursday Night:
Levi & MT picked us up from the airport and we headed to L's house. We all chilled with 3 other guys at Levi's house where we crashed that night. Drinking, chatting, and bbgun shooting was had till about 4AM (7AM NY time) at which point, I parked my ass on some cushions on the floor and hit the hay. 4ish house later I was up, showering and getting ready for breakfast.
We headed for the store after breakfast and met up with a bunch of staff and members. We all sat around talking, drinking, messing around etc... and then we were Tahoe bound. We got to the hotel and checked in and began the party... drinks, laughs, pics, party flips, 2 kegs were done, a full bar, done, stupidity was had by all. This is what happens when you give snowboarders teh run of an entire hotel and their own personal bar. (Paul and Andy arrived late)
Some of the best riding ever! The morning started off crusty and got soft fast! We started with some groomers and ended in the park. Park laps were had till the heat became too much and we headed back to the lodge to leave our jackets. At the Disney lift we found Mike and Nikki (owner of SS) and did a few laps on Lincoln with them. Oh my is Nikki bad ass! She is SO FAST and so good! It was insane trying to keep up on my SMF. We headed back to the park where I hit the 1st jump in the medium jump line and landed it. I did it 3 times. It wasn't clean, it wasnt pretty, but I did it, and I was proud.
We packed the car and headed back out for our last day at Sugar Bowl. We did a bunch of laps on Disney and Lincoln going at ridiculous speeds in groups too large to be safe. Then we headed to Judah for park lapse where I hit the jumps more and more. I was so stocked (new lingo) on taking the jumps. So proud of myself. So excited. So fulfilled. I know I have a lot to learn - taking speed, landing soft, being flat, but i dont care - I DID IT! We rode all day until we were weak in the knees and the lifts were closed. We said our good byes to the gang and hiked back to our car. Packed in... and I mean tightly and drove to truckee (passing Donner lake) where we checked into a hotel for the night. We met up with others staying a bit longer and visited lake Tahoe and had some grub.
Monday started off as a disaster. No one was ready, we got to the hill, waited for discounted tickets that got denied. It was a mess, but I loved Squaw. It was huge, it was fun and there was just so much. I loved the bowls, I loved the groom, I loved the kickers... and I did their jump line clean the 1st try. It was an easy jump line but I was scared shitless! I did it =). Then I did a bigger one and cleared the knuckle. AND I strait lined the bowl... well not the whole thing but most of it... it was one of the most exciting and thrilling days. This whole season has felt like this... each and every day... something amazing happening!
After that long sweaty day on the hill, we went to Phil and Stacey's to shower up and hit the road. We were off to the airport... reno then sacramento... then home. It was hard sitting there knowing I was saying bye to Paul again... different flights are rough. I rather him leave home on a Sunday than get on separate planes. It's hard to explain.
My season is over. The EC is warm. The snow is gone. But my drive hasn't waned. I've had the biggest progressive year of my life. I've worked my ass off overcoming fears and physical limitations. I've ridden faster and harder than I ever have before. I've dipped into steeps that I'd only look at in the past. I went over boxes and jumps I'd only ride around in the past. And I rode with people far better than myself only to drive myself to catch up and get as good.
This year's 1sts:
- Paloozas - Riding with new people (strangers)
- Trees (steamboat)
- Boxes (steamboat)
- Trees, Kickers & Pow (Hood)
- Ollies (stowe)
- Jumps (sugar bowl & squaw)
- Riding fast (everywhere)
- Strait-lining (squaw)
Here are some pics (you can click to view larger)

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