This definitely made me think. Not just did I think about the question itself but I thought about some friends and family who seem to not only settle often but also are in denial of it. Worse yet, it made me think of some friends and family who will never accept the way things are. And yes, there is a difference, but I don't know how easily it can be explained.
There are things I've accepted. I wouldn't say that they are simply things out of my control to change. I know that I can change almost anything - even if that change is only slight. The very breath I take affects the world I place my feet on, and therefore everything being residing within it as well. Yet, I accept things. Sometimes, the benefit of accepting things are far greater than the effort and sacrifice required to change them.
But then... there is settling. I've settled in my life. I know I have. And sometimes I feel a pang of guilt, but then I look up, take a deep breath, and know that I can still change this. I also know that sometimes, I'd rather settle.
In the end, each and every one of us struggles to find a balance in which we can be happy. Nothing in this world will be perfect or to our satisfaction, but we must take solace in what can bring us peace. It's human nature to settle. It doesn't necessarily mean that there are situations where we shouldn't.
Is there an answer to the above question? I'm sure there is... can I answer it? Likely not.
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